

【NFL】「私は世界で最も幸運な人間」 トム・ブレイディ引退声明の全文(英語と日本語)

現役引退声明の中で「私は世界で最も幸せな人間」と語ったQBトム・ブレイデイ。写真は今季、古巣のペイトリオッツと対戦し、フィールドを去る際に撮影=photo by GettyImages


 米プロフットボールNFLで現地2月1日、22年間にわたる現役生活に終止符を打ち、引退することを、自身のインスタグラムで表明した「GOAT(the Greatest Of All Time、史上最高)」のQBトムブレイディ(タンパベイ・バッカニアーズ)。引退声明の全文を、英語と日本語で掲載する。メジャーリーグ、ニューヨーク・ヤンキースの伝説的スラッガー、ルー・ゲーリッグの引退あいさつを想起させる「I feel like the luckiest person in the world.(私は世界で最も幸運な人間)」という言葉などが盛り込まれた声明をお読みいただきたい。【アメリカンフットボール・マガジン編集部】=写真はすべて Getty Images


I have always believed the sport of football is an "all-in" proposition - if a 100% competitive commitment isn't there, you won't succeed, and success is what I love so much about our game. 

There is a physical, mental, and emotional challenge EVERY single day that has allowed me to maximize my highest potential. And I have tried my very best these past 22 years.

There are no shortcuts to success on the field or in life. 

This is difficult for me to write, but here it goes: I am not going to make that competitive commitment anymore. 

I have loved my NFL career, and now it is time to focus my time and energy on other things that require my attention.

I've done a lot of reflecting the past week and have asked myself difficult questions. And I am so proud of what we have achieved. My teammates, coaches, fellow competitors, and fans deserve 100% of me, 

but right now, it's best I leave the field of play to the next generation of dedicated and committed athletes.

私は常に、フットボールというスポーツは 全精力を傾けて示すものであると信じています。100%の競争心によるコミットがなければ、成功することはできません。そして、その成功こそが、私がこの競技を愛してやまない理由なのです。








=photo by GettyImages


To my Bucs teammates the past two years, I love you guys, and I have loved going to battle with you. 

You have dug so deep to challenge yourself, and it inspired me to wake up every day and give you my best.

 I am always here for you guys and want to see you continue to push yourselves to be your best. I couldn't be happier with what we accomplished together.

To all the Bucs fans, thank you. I didn't know what to expect when I arrived here, but your support and embrace have enriched my life and that of my family. 

I have been honored to play for such a passionate and fun fan base. What a Krewe!!! 

To the city of Tampa and the entire Tampa-St. Petersburg region, thank you. 

It has been wonderful to be a resident of such a fun place to live. I want to be invited to our next boat parade!

To the Glazer family, thank you for taking a chance on me and supporting me. 

I know I was demanding at times, but you provided everything we needed to win, and your ownership was everything a player could ask for.





このような情熱的で楽しいファンのためにプレーできることを光栄に思います。なんて素晴らしいチームなんでしょう 。





昨年のスーパーボウル優勝後の水上パレード。ブレイディにとっても楽しい記憶だったのか、引退声明の中で言及した=photo by GettyImages


To Jason Licht, thank you for your daily support and friendship - I will never forget it. I had never been through free agency,

and I had some trepidation about how we could achieve success. Your leadership gave me confidence, and I willalways be grateful.

To my head coach Bruce Arians, thanks for putting up with me! 

Your firm leadership and guidance were ideal. There is no way we could have had success without your experience, intuition, and wisdom. I am very grateful.

To all the Bucs coaches, my sincere thanks for all the hard work, dedication, and discipline that goes into creating a winning team. 

I have learned so much from all of you and will value the relationships we have.

To every single Bucs staffer and employee, thank you. 

Each of you is critically important, and I was greeted with a smile every day. 

That means so much to me. Your work is made up of long hours and hard tasks, but please know I see each and every one of you. 

Thank you so much.

 To Alex Guerrero, thank you. I could never have made every Sunday without you; it's that simple.  Your dedication to your craft and our friendship and brotherhood are immeasurable.

We have an unbreakable bond, and I love you.

To Don Yee and Steve Dubin, thank you. You've been with me every step of the way since I left the University of Michigan and before I entered the league. What a journey it's been, and I couldn't do it without you.

(GM)ジェイソン・リヒトさんには、日々のサポートと友情に感謝しています - 決して忘れません。










(個人トレーナーの)アレックス・ゲレロさんへ、ありがとうございます。あなたがいなければ、毎週の日曜日を過ごすことはできませんでした。 あなたの持つ技能への献身、そして私たちの友情と兄弟愛は計り知れません。



現役引退声明の中で「私は世界で最も幸せな人間」と語ったQBトム・ブレイデイ。写真は今季、古巣のペイトリオッツと対戦した際に撮影=photo by GettyImages


To my parents and entire family (and extended family of countless friends), I love you and thank you for your never-ending support and love. 

I could never have imagined the time and energy you have given for me the past 30 years in football. I can never repay you. And just know I love you so much.

And lastly to my wife, Gisele, and my children Jack, Benny and Vivi. You are my inspiration. Our family is my greatest achievement.

 I always came off the field and home to the most loving and supportive wife who has done EVERYTHING for our family to allow me to focus on my career. Her selflessness allowed me to reach new heights professionally,

 and I am beyond words what you mean to me and our family. 

Te amoamor da minha vida LOVE






第53回スーパーボウルでラムズを破って優勝。セレモニーで愛娘を抱いてインタビューに答えるブレイディ=photo by GettyImages


My playing career has been such a thrilling ride, and far beyond my imagination, and full of ups and downs.

 When you're in it every day, you really don't think about any kind of ending. 

As I sit here now, however, I think of all the great players and coaches I was privileged to play with and against the competition was fierce and deep, JUST HOW WE LIKE IT. 

But the friendships and relationships are just as fierce and deep. 

I will remember and cherish these memories and re-visit them often. I feel like the luckiest person in the world.

The future is exciting. I'm fortunate to have cofounded incredible companies like @bradybrand@tb12sports that I am excited to continue to help build and grow, 

but exactly what my days will look like will be a work-in-progress.

 As I said earlier, I am going to take it day by day. 

I know for sure I want to spend a lot of time giving to others and trying to enrich other people's lives, just as so many have done for me.

With much love, appreciation, and gratitude,







将来が楽しみです。幸運なことに、 @bradybrand @tb12sports のような素晴らしい企業を共同設立することができ、これからもその構築と成長に貢献していきたいと思っています。






退声明の中で「私は世界で最も幸せな人間」と語ったQBトム・ブレイデイ。写真は今季、古巣のペイトリオッツと対戦した際に撮影=photo by GettyImages


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